In a groundbreaking endeavor, the European Space Agency's ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) has transmitted an encoded message from its Martian orbit to Earth, simulating the scenario of an extraterrestrial civilization reaching out. On May 24, at 9 pm, the signal was emitted and promptly received by our planet just 16 minutes later. Spearheaded by artist Daniela de Paulis, the collaborative project 'A Sign in Space' brought together a diverse team of scientists and artists, aiming to explore the profound implications of contact with alien life. The signal was successfully captured by four stations globally, including the Green Bank Telescope, Medicina Radio Astronomical Station, Allen Telescope Array, and Very Large Array. What if this transmission is not a mock signal, but an actual communication from an intelligent extraterrestrial species? How would it transform our understanding of the universe and the place of humanity within it?